As the impacts of COVID-19 continues Davids Transportations business is essential and our customers and clients should have safe and reliable transportation services available to them even as the pandemic continues with many variants of the virus are now becoming known.

For those reasons Davids Transportation has stepped up it’s responsibility to expand our existing regiment of cleaning and disinfecting of our transportation fleet.

Cleaning and Disinfecting

Davids Transportation’s had already been cleaning and disinfecting our transportation fleet on a daily basis, we changed our existing cleaning and disinfecting product line to conform to the cleaning and disinfecting products outline by the CDC (Center for Disease Control).

Davids Transportation feels that our customers and clients should be able to trust that they are being transported in a clean and virus and disease free automobile. Davids Transportation in response to COVID-19 has changed the manner in which our fleet was clean once every 24 hours to our fleet will be deep clean once every 24 hours. As restrictions have been now been lifted our fleet will now be disinfected once every 24 hours utilizing disinfecting products outline by the CDC (Center for Disease Control) that will kill the COVID-19 virus and any variants.

Driver Health and Wellness

Our business depends on it’s drivers to operate our fleet and therefore it is important not only to Davids Transportation but to our customers and clients that our drivers are in good health and neither asymptomatic or symptomatic while operating one of our fleet vehicles.

Our drivers are fully vaccinated plus booster vaccination (verification will be presented upon demand), and checked daily for any possible signs including checking of temperature. Any driver found to be exhibiting any symptoms, the driver is immediately sent home and advised to seek medical treatment.

Where do you fit into all of this……

Just as important Davids Transportation counts on you our customers and clients for the continued operation of our business.

Therefore for the continued safety of you our customers and clients along with our drivers and staff, we have implemented some basic safety rules that must be followed while utilizing our service.

We ask that you adhere to the following safety requirements while inside our fleet vehicles;

  1. Refrain from uncovered coughs or sneezes. Please cover your cough by using tissues, towel or coughing/sneezing into your cupped hands or in the fold of your arm.
  2. If you are not feeling well in any manner please advise the driver upon their arrival as they have the final say if they are willing to provide transportation.
  3. If you are not feeling well and the driver continues to provide transportation, it will be required for the passenger wear a facial mask consisting of at least a disposable mask (provided by the customer), there will be no bandana’s, handkerchiefs, scarfs or any makeshift facial coverings allowed.
  4. There will be NO PASSENGERS Allowed to be seated in the front seat next to the driver.
  5. Please do not reach around or touch the driver, reach into the front seat at anytime during your transportation trip.
  6. Upon exiting our fleet vehicle, please take along with you any trash, tissues that may have accumulated during your trip.

We all must do our part throughout this

It is all of our responsibility to practice social distancing and good hygienic practices during this COVID-19 pandemic. Please do your part by following our basic rules to ensure not only you our customer and clients arrive not only safely but healthy to your final destination.